Contact Information

Request for ltwpsyn Readers

In order to read the ltwpsyn encryptions you will need a copy of the ltwpsyn Reader,
this will convert the ltwpsyn encryption into text and create an HTML file on your default path for spreadsheets and open the file.
Send ltwpsyn Reader request to:
In the subject line include the following text Request for ltwpsyn Reader
Include your full name and address and a contact number
and a brief explanation on why you want a copy of the Reader
and also which encryption you want a Reader for.

Request to be a trial user of ltwpsyn

If you would like to trial ltwpsyn in the present limited form then contact the address below
Send ltwpsyn trial request to:
In the subject line include the following text Request to be a trial user of ltwpsyn
Include your full name and address and a contact number
and a brief explanation on why you want to trial ltwpsyn
and also a URL for the site and page you want to trial ltwpsyn on.

Proposal re the commercialisation of ltwpsyn encryption

If you have a proposal re being involved in the commercialisation of ltwpsyn
or to negotiate purchasing this invention
Send inquiry to:
In the subject line include the following text Proposal re ltwpsyn
Include your full name and address and a contact number